Small dogs connecting

Connections – from routine to rituals

Let’s talk about relationships. Are you simply going through the motions? You know, those things we do with our partners that become automatic, like saying “how was your day?”. But not really listening.  Or maybe it’s all about the kids but not you.

We start to get in a bit of a rut and suddenly we don’t feel so connected anymore.

What I get often in sessions about connections

Often women I help say, in the better times of their relationship they’d be the “I love you” before bed or having the coffee machine on for you in the morning.

Those are rituals, and they’re essential for a healthy relationship. They’re about bonding together so if you feel disconnected….well here’s your easy start – rituals.

According to relationship expert, Esther Perel, rituals create a sense of belonging and identity as a couple. They help us transition from our individual selves to our partnership selves. But here’s the thing: rituals need to be intentional and meaningful – otherwise it just doesn’t cut it.

What are you doing at home?

So, take some time to reflect on your rituals. Are they still serving you and your partner? Do they need a refresh? By creating and maintaining meaningful rituals, you can strengthen your connection and build a more resilient relationship.


  1. Start small (and easy) – share a coffee together

2. Make it intentional – allow time in your routine

3. Be consistent – if a coffee works, pick a day each week and do it again (Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple)

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